Check out more here...

o.k., I know the picture detailing the event is rather small and difficult to read but I have the damndest time with getting photos to post and look good. If I get a better copy I will post it.
suffice it to say, I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. I don't do public recognition well and meeting celebrities makes me all tongue tied. But of all the people to meet, Wanda Sykes has me psyched...I love everything she has done. There are alot of celebrity hosts so I hope we don't gush too much and embarrass the kids...
I know todays post is a short one..but its one of those busy dad kinda days...off to work at my daughters preschool...have a great day!
shouldn't that be:
ReplyDelete"this year they will be honoring Wanda Sykes and...drum roll please....us!"
i think so!
Hobnobbing with the stars? How exciting! Don't worry abot embarrasing the kids. All parents do it sooner or later. Cheers.
". . . but its one of those busy dad kinda days . . . off to work at my daughters preschool . . ."
ReplyDeleteI think that's one of the reasons for the honor. Dads doing family "stuff" isn't about gay or straight, it's about loving your family. Gay families do all the same things straight families do. It's taking people long enough to realize it. Your videos make people sit up and take notice. All the more reason for the recognition.
Now, plenty of photos, please! Those stars don't know how lucky they are that they get to hobnob with the Leffews!
Congrats, guys!
Aaagh!!...people conversing on my blogg!....I think I'm going to faint!....
I applaud you both & the kids! We thought we were alone with being so public about our home and love. Love it Love it Love it!
ReplyDeleteAs a former pastor, I know a thing or two about marriage, love and happiness. Today, my same sex spouse and I support you guys 100% Whatever my family and I can do, do not hesitate (twitter: familyblendz) and we just put up a blog (familyblendz) also.
Would love to meet you guys, I'm sure the invitations are gone by now, but our hearts are with you! Its probably crazy to add our email here but familyblendz@gmail.com.
Grace to you!
I love what you guys are doing. Keep it up because this is exactly what is needed. My daughter's best friend has 2 moms. When they 1st meet at school I was concerned about how to explain this to her. I thought about it for hours until she came home upset because she thougth it was so unfair for her new friend to have 2 moms when she only gets to have one. I was uncomfortable because I had never been exposed to a different family. Now we are all very close friends and I never feel we are any different or that my family is any better then theirs.
ReplyDeleteI just got into blogging. Lovin it! Lovin your channel (or whatever they are called) too!