Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Gay Family Values Song Contest!

O.k...editing of "Right To Love: An American Family" has begun and we are super excited. At this time we and Jayebird productions are putting on a song contest! Now...I realize that you guys come here to read and not write music but we are asking ...if our super awsome readers would share this with all the talented people that they know. We are asking if you would share this on your facebook pages or favorite blogs and help us put together an awsome soundtrack.

And please remember..this is not just our story...it is your story too and it chronicles the life of our family on Youtube and we would not be doing this without YOU...so help us get the word out there!


  1. This is going to be so good. How long will the finished film be?

  2. well...we were going to have George Lucas do a "special edition" and put in a bunch of CGI stuff but I think Its going to be about 80 minutes.

  3. I wanted to be in it. You should have waited and filmed the camping for it :)

    I could do a naked voodoo camping dance to ward of bears. That would be excellent trailer material.

  4. Men I want to be in it...I need a camera damn it ¬¬

  5. Ah goblin...one of the benifits of parenthood is an encyclapedic knowledge of spongebob....on the subject you raised above I suggest you look up the episode where they go camping...particularly "seabears"

    Better yet...go here...the copy is bad but at least they get right to the good parts.


  6. Ilove square pants <3

    And I´m no parent... I´m just childish XD. Just in case do a sand circle in every tent Ok?

    Nice clip XD!

  7. Song-writing has begun. Anything against instrumental stuff? Are words necessary?

  8. I'm sure the girls can use instrumentals too :)
