Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Keeping My Promise...Gay Like You
Awhile back I made a promise to a friend. We were contacted on Youtube to do an interview with a really nice blogger working out of Peru by the name of Antonio. We don't get alot of requests for interviews so when we do we generally accept. What followed was a lengthy conversation between Antonio and us regarding gay parenthood, and our online activism. After finally completing the questions and going back and forth we were asked to help put the word out about his blog and I heartily agreed. Then life when crazy and I could barely post on my own blog, but now I get to keep that promise....
Batsh-t Crazy
Being immersed in the small circle of gay blogs that I have lately, I have had the opportunity to hear this term alot. In my heartfelt opinion, it accurately describes the state of the good ol' U.S. of A. This blog has and will continue to be primarily about gay issues but I see so much disturbing information lately. Much of it involving the same types of people who would happily strip all my rights away and banish us to an island somewhere, if not put a bullet in our heads...really...Batsh-t crazy! But first lets set the mood with a song that's been bouncing around my head as I read all this stuff...
This is one of the songs my dad played alot when I was growing up. Now, I may not agree with all the lyrics in this song... especially the "dykes and fairies" part but, "tell me where is sanity" Indeed...
This is one of the songs my dad played alot when I was growing up. Now, I may not agree with all the lyrics in this song... especially the "dykes and fairies" part but, "tell me where is sanity" Indeed...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Please Don't Revoke My Gay Card
All gays have a great sense of style right?..wrong! Shame on you. That's what you get for stereotyping. Now, we may have received a little of the decorating gene...but I tell you, when it comes to dressing ourselves...we're screwed...
Monday, September 28, 2009
Your Grass Roots Are Showing
Sorry for the delayed had gotten uber busy and when faced with the choice of make dinner for the munchkins or write a blog post munchkins win hands down. Also, I apologize if this is full of typos as I have to write like the wind today. But real world concerns aside, allow me to share this:
Lately, I have become a complete blog addict. If I dont get my fix of gay news....lets just say its not pretty. One Blog of note that I read as often as possible is "Pams House Blend" which is a cooperative blog covering important news and events for the GLBTQ community and the fight for marriage equality. Recently the author or Pams House Blend, Pam Spaulding, was asked to write an article for the Huffington post about grass roots online activism. That article made me sit up and take notice as it spoke directly to What Jay and I do Here and on Youtube...
Lately, I have become a complete blog addict. If I dont get my fix of gay news....lets just say its not pretty. One Blog of note that I read as often as possible is "Pams House Blend" which is a cooperative blog covering important news and events for the GLBTQ community and the fight for marriage equality. Recently the author or Pams House Blend, Pam Spaulding, was asked to write an article for the Huffington post about grass roots online activism. That article made me sit up and take notice as it spoke directly to What Jay and I do Here and on Youtube...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Live To Tell
"I have a tale to tell...
Sometimes it gets so hard to hide it well...I was not ready for the fall....too blind to see the writing on the wall..
A man can tell a thousand lies ...I learned my lesson well...hope I live to tell the secret I have learned...till will burn inside of me...."
These were the words playing over the radio one night, 22 years ago as a young man steps out of his truck, leaving the door open. He leaves headlights on and the radio playing and steps out into the rain. As the song sings on he climbs over the railing of a rural bridge on a dark and stormy night. The river below was flooded and the dark water itself churned and raged containing its own hidden dangers below the surface. This dark and lonely place is where he has chosen to end the pain of what has been his end the pain of knowing he is gay. This is the place he has chosen to die....
Sometimes it gets so hard to hide it well...I was not ready for the fall....too blind to see the writing on the wall..
A man can tell a thousand lies ...I learned my lesson well...hope I live to tell the secret I have learned...till will burn inside of me...."
These were the words playing over the radio one night, 22 years ago as a young man steps out of his truck, leaving the door open. He leaves headlights on and the radio playing and steps out into the rain. As the song sings on he climbs over the railing of a rural bridge on a dark and stormy night. The river below was flooded and the dark water itself churned and raged containing its own hidden dangers below the surface. This dark and lonely place is where he has chosen to end the pain of what has been his end the pain of knowing he is gay. This is the place he has chosen to die....
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Class Three Beverage Alert...put down your coffee before watching!!!
Here is the lastest in Anti-gay antics by fundementalist crowd: Be warned....
And The daily show wasnt the only ones to pick this up...
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Moral Kombat | |||| | ||||
And The daily show wasnt the only ones to pick this up...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Thank You Sir, May I have Another!
Wow...Two posts in one day. There's too much going on out there to cover it all! It surely must be a gathering storm...
In a stunning display of why certain religious groups should have their tax exempt status revoked, Catholic Archbishop Raymond Burke called for the "banishment of gay-supporting politicians". Ouch, that hurts worse than a ruler to the knuckles...
In a stunning display of why certain religious groups should have their tax exempt status revoked, Catholic Archbishop Raymond Burke called for the "banishment of gay-supporting politicians". Ouch, that hurts worse than a ruler to the knuckles...
Second Verse, Same As The First
In reading around the bloggosphere this morning I found something that shocked me on "Pams house blend". I would love to share this with you to illustrate my point that the Anti-gay marriage crowd really has no case against gay marriage, just alot of fear mongering. Stand For Marriage Main(SFMM) must have gotten a bulk discount on complete bullsh-t ads because they sure are turning out alot of them. As further proof that they really don't have any substantial case for the rejection of gay marriage I humbly submit this for review...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Religion, Deception and Our Political Landscape
One of the very first moral codes we learn as a child is "do not lie" I teach it to my children as it was taught to me, so many years ago, by my parents. This isn't an arbitrary moral precept but a practical way to aproach the world and our relationships with other human beings. I just told the "boy who cried wolf" story to my 4 year old daughter to help her understand that I need to believe the things she says, for a very good reason. What if she's hurt, in trouble, or in need? The ability to know that those are authentic needs are important (although I would be there no matter what). Honesty is a fundamental requirment for a healthy, functional family as it is for a healthy, functional society...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Ways to make My Heart Stop
Today I Got a call from my sons school principal. Any parent dreads hearing their childs principle on the phone because it either means a trip to her office or possibly the emergency room. Today she informed me that my son had been jumped on by another boy, had fallen backward and hit his head. She said he was in pain and due to the nature of the injury, she asked if I would come down and take a look....o.k....parental freak out time..
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Extraordinary Life of Danny Cacciamani

Yesterday evening I opened my Youtube inbox and found a most extraordinary and heart wrenching letter there. It was written by Matty Cacciamani about his brother Danny. Danny is pictured above with his brother in the Backround. Danny was a viewer of ours before he succumbed to testicular cancer at the age of 19...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Where The Rubber Meets The Road
Every once in a while we get a Youtube comment that puts me in check...
Jay and I get really involved in the struggle for marriage equality and all the rancor that comes with that well as the overwhelming positives. But then a comment like this one from Serbia comes along...
Jay and I get really involved in the struggle for marriage equality and all the rancor that comes with that well as the overwhelming positives. But then a comment like this one from Serbia comes along...
Friday, September 18, 2009
Depfox and Family Equality Council...Going Places!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Copy...Paste....Repeat...Maine Marriage Equality
The same fine, upstanding, and ever so truthfull folks that ran the Misinformation juggernaut of California's Yes on 8 Campaign launched the first salvo in the fight for marriage equality in Maine...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Shades of Oppresion...Evergreen...
The word conjures images of of the redwood forests of my home. It puts me in mind of the thousands of acres of green mountains in Oregon and Washington state, the smell of the cool forest floor after the first rain, and fresh cut Christmas greens. The last thing I would associate with such a lovely word is the ex-gay movement...
The word conjures images of of the redwood forests of my home. It puts me in mind of the thousands of acres of green mountains in Oregon and Washington state, the smell of the cool forest floor after the first rain, and fresh cut Christmas greens. The last thing I would associate with such a lovely word is the ex-gay movement...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Defense of What Exactly?
Alright everyone...Its put up or shut up time. Todays the day Jeremy Nadler(D NYC) puts his money were his mouth is...
Monday, September 14, 2009
Transgendered Musings...
Yesterday my friend came out to me.....Not as a gay man, or even a closet ABBA fan...but as transgendered.
Being a gay man myself this shouldn't be a big deal for me right?...I wish it were so simple...
Being a gay man myself this shouldn't be a big deal for me right?...I wish it were so simple...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Real Defense of Marriage
Once again Rachel Maddow tells an Inconvenient truth...
Divorce rates down you say? still not falling you say?
Divorce rates down you say? still not falling you say?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Washington Judge Blocks Release of Referendum 71 Petition Signees
From coast to coast now the fight for marriage equality is on. One particular hotspot in the battle is washington where recent legislation was passed offering comprehensive domestic partner benefits...
Friday, September 11, 2009
The People Whos Shoulders We Stand On
On August 10th, at the age of 94, Albert Gordon died...

Who is Albert Gordon you may ask? I didnt know either until I read his obituary from the San Francisco Chronicle. It was given to me by my husband Jay, torn out of the Chronicle from the September 8th edition....

Who is Albert Gordon you may ask? I didnt know either until I read his obituary from the San Francisco Chronicle. It was given to me by my husband Jay, torn out of the Chronicle from the September 8th edition....
Gay heroes and The Anniversery of 9/11
This day will always be a somber day for us, as it is for all of us. I think everyone can remember where they were the day the Twin Towers collapsed, We will never forget the tape recordings of the final goodbyes of the victims of that day, made to their loved ones. I'm crying just writing this on the page....
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Go Hug Your Children
I know this video is a little random coming, as it does, from the outer planes of Youtube but its message is a good one...
The Depfox Family On Logo? Aye Carumba!
This is an idea that has been bounced around for awhile and I have to admit I have my doubts and misgivings. After all...I cant walk around in my underwear like most dads do from time to time. Well....I could but that would be a different kind of show... O.O...
Irelands marriage equality T.V. add
O.K...We know this video has been roaming the internet for awhile but we felt that, as or first post, it represents the feelings of many On the marriage equality issue...
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